[Solved] Can't add script components


I am having a problem adding the ‘WaypointCiruit’ and ‘WaypointProgressTracker’.
It returns with an error “Can’t add script component ‘WaypointCircuit’ because script class cannot be found. Make sure that there are no compile errors and that the file name and class match.”

I am using Unity 2019.3.11f1 so I first had to download the standard asset package (for Unity 2017) from the Asset Store and didn’t have any problems there, but when I try to add the given script as a component I get that error. As far as I can tell, the class and the filename are the same so I’m stumped.


edit I ended up following the steps outlined in this post in the lecture’s Q+A on the Udemy site and it seems to have solved the problem. Like the poster, I have no idea why or how it fixed the problem, but I’ll run with it. Hope this helps other people!

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Thanks a lot for sharing the solution! :slight_smile:

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