SOLVED - Build Problems

i’m in a lecture 70 of “Project boost - basic unity”, and trying to build my project to share. But when i click to “build and run”, after selectec the destination folder, the Unity start do somting like copy and creat files but in the end thers nothing in the folder. Some times even the folther is erasade. I Try to re-install the unity with the last vesion, but stil the same.

Some idea?

Hi Diego,

  1. Save your build on your harddrive but not inside your project folder, on your Desktop or in a cloud.
  2. Use English characters only for your file and folder names.
  3. Make sure that neither your firewall nor your antivirus program block Unity.

Does that help?

Hi Nina, thanks for answer.
But Doesn’t works eather. I Im trying in my HD. I tryd on desktop folder, on download folder, i creat a new folther in the root d:\ but when a use WebGl for build in the end the folder just desapier. I made a video showing what im doing.

Thank you for the video. That’s indeed strange. At least the folder should still exist.

Do you have a firewall or an antivirus program that could be blocking Unity?

No, my windows has just a defender by default and was working before, nothing chenge… I was thinking, that start to happen when i updated the unity version a few days a go.
I will try to remove everything about the software and make a clean installation and try again…

How are you getting on with this, Diego? Did reinstalling Unity help?

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I tried to reinstall, export without the scripts, export using other formats. But it does not work. Other projects it exports but that does not. I decided to redo the project and I gave it up.

I doubt that this problem has anything to do with the project itself.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Save your build on your harddrive but not inside your project folder, on your Desktop or in a cloud.
  2. Use English characters only for your file and folder names.
  3. Make sure that neither your firewall nor your antivirus program block Unity.

I made new copy of the project folder without the library folder and try to export to webgl again. Now on the console showed the following error.

I finally solved.
i gave full permission to for the folders on “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\WebGL Support”
and then the building finally works.

Tks for the help.

Awesome! :slight_smile:

How did you give permission for the folders?


In that folder “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\WebGL" click with the right butom of the mouse and click on properts.
Click on the securyt lable, click edit, click add and type a new user name “everoyone” so click in verify name and ok. click on chek box full control and filnaly click ok for all windows.

I put some prints but my windows is in portuguese.
hope thats dont make confusion.





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I put some prints but my windows is in portuguese.
hope thats dont make confusion.

That’s absolutely fine. Thanks a lot for sharing your solution! :slight_smile:

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