[SOLVED] Background picture doesn't show in scene view

So I followed the instructions of the tutorial video 70 “Setting your play space” and when dragged and dropped the 800x600 image that was in the .zip donwloadable, in the scene view, the image does not appear at all. I don’t think I changed anything I shouldn’t have:

I am using Unity 4.7.2f in Win 8.1

I think I can be able to ignore this problem and carry on with the rest of the tutorials, but I fear it will cause more problems later on, so I need to fix this first.

EDIT: Ok, After a bit of looking around, I remembered the Layers dropbox at the right top of Unity and found that the icon of the eye parallel with the “everything” option was closed. I clicked to open it and the background picture appeared at the scene. (it looks really small though but at game state it fits the canvas) If anyone else had this problem this may be the solution.


Thank you, had the same problem. Your solution worked. :grinning:

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