Solution to Null Pointer Exception in Unreal Engine VR Tutorial

Hello everyone,

I recently encountered a null pointer exception in an Unreal Engine VR tutorial, specifically around these lines of code:

BlinkerMaterialInstance = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(BlinkerMaterialBase, this);
if (BlinkerMaterialInstance != nullptr)
    BlinkerMaterialInstance->SetScalarParameterValue(TEXT("Radius"), 0.6f);

The issue manifested as a null violation, which was quite perplexing since the code seemed correct at first glance. After some investigation, I realized that the problem might be related to the naming of PostProcessComponent . It seems that this name might occasionally cause conflicts within Unreal Engine’s environment.

To test this hypothesis, I changed the name of PostProcessComponent to PostProcessComponentx , and to my surprise, this resolved the issue. If you are facing a similar problem, I suggest trying to rename your PostProcessComponent to something unique to avoid potential naming conflicts.

This solution worked for me and might save you the hassle of reinstalling Unreal Engine or debugging for extended periods. Hope this helps!

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