Solo Challenge

Hey everyone,

So I managed to achieve the challenge somehow by proceeding with the same steps we used for the MainMenu. I must also acknowledge the fact that I got a little hint on how to make all passwords work by only their own levels thanks to a friend at work.

This challenge was complicated since I’m relatively new to Unity and C# and it gave me a hard time!

So here’s the code and I’ll explain my steps just below:

void OnUserInput(string input)
        if (input == "menu")
            ShowMainMenu(); // calls void start() { ShowMainMenu() }
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMenu)
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password)


    void RunPassword(string input) // responsible to run the levels and passwords
        if (level == 1)
            GameLevel(input, level);            
        else if (level == 2)
            GameLevel(input, level);
        else if (level == 3)
            GameLevel(input, level);

    void RunMainMenu(string input) // responsible to run the main menu
        if (input == "007")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Welcome back Mister Bond!");
        else if (input == "666")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Satan, really?");
        else if (input == "777")
        else if (input == "1")
            level = 1;
            Terminal.WriteLine("Hint: zcugebrerk");
        else if (input == "2")
            level = 2;
            Terminal.WriteLine("Hint: sutbifo");
        else if (input == "3")
            level = 3;
            Terminal.WriteLine("Hint: skotc");
            Terminal.WriteLine("Please select a correct answer!");

    void StartGame() // calls StartGame(); from OnUserInput
        currentScreen = Screen.Password; // levels 1-3 are defined as Password (call to the enum function)
        Terminal.WriteLine("You chose level " + level);
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter your password:" + nl);

    void GameLevel(string guess, int lvl) // added a second variable which is lvl in order for the password to only work in their respective level
        if (guess == "zuckerberg" & lvl == 1) // use logical operator & (and) to use 2 variables
        else if (guess == "ubisoft" & lvl == 2)
        else if (guess == "stock" & lvl == 3)
        else Terminal.WriteLine("Try Again!");


First I made an if statement (in void OnUserInput(string input){ }) for each level with a GameLevel containing 2 variables (input, level) which is calling a method (void GameLevel(string guess, int lvl){ })

Then I created that method (GameLevel) in which I defined both the password and the level:
e.g: if (guess “zuckerberg” & lvl == 1),
in which I also stated what happened if the user succeeds : Terminal.Writeline(“Congratulation!”);
and then what would happen if he fails: else Terminal.Writeline(“Try Again!”);

Once this is done the game should work just fine but the code is a little messy. That’s why I re-factored the code which was inside OnUserInput (the same way we learned inside the refactoring course video). Therefor we have: else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password) { RunPassword(input);} and a void method called: void RunPassword(input){ })

I hope this wasn’t too difficult to understand, I’m not very good with coding and I also tend to forget what each thing is called (method, statement,…).

I wish all of you a nice day and stop by to ask questions if you have some :smile: :sunny:


This is helpful, I am trying to get this working by looking at other student examples before I get the answer from the video. I need to work on structuring better code.

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