So why are YOU taking the Git Smart course?

I’d be interested to hear your motivations. Also, by sharing you’ll be able to remind yourself why you started if the going ever gits touch… sorry couldn’t resist!

Not seen the course on our new platform, check it out here.

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The Git Smart course has been one of the wisest investments I have ever made in my game development instruction. I commit after every I’ve finished my testing for each lesson and know that the code works. The peace of mind that I get from knowing I have a good back up copy of my code is worth everything. I don’t have to worry about screwing up my code from errors induced during the next lecture because I’ve always got a good commit. Thanks for the awesome course Ben!

Thank you so much for taking the time so say this Ken :slight_smile:

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So… I was using Github Desktop For Windows for a while to handle collaboration with others, and it seemed like a very straightforward, simple system that I didn’t need a tutorial or anything for. It was basically a one button tool that hid the complexity and power of git. I even voted for it on your facebook poll. One day it stopped working, and I had no idea why. You click the windows and absolutely nothing happens. And this was after I implemented a whole new core system into our game. Unable to commit my post and feeling a huge pressure to commit and push before someone else does (merge issues were frightening and I really didn’t know how to deal with them properly), I went to chat with fellow game-devers for help and was encouraged to use the git-bash command line. I got myself into quite a bit of trouble with that, but a few hours of forum-sifting later, I finally sorted that out and was able to commit and push directly from the command line. Knowing how to add all, commit with a message, and push to origin, I figured I was all set. I could use the command line for now and feel pretty elite.

That lasted a few days. Suffice it to say, I ended up making a mess of things again. I tried every snippet of command-line code I could find online from people having similiar issues, but no one had my exact issues, and everything I did seemed to make the problem worse.

I think I ended up deleting the whole directory and then re-cloning the repository and trying to rebuild all my changes. By then, I had spent more time trying to fix the problem in git than I had actually making those changes. I was tired and frustrated so I didn’t get to work rebuilding right away. And when I did get back, I had a completely deleted project and so that was a bit demoralizing. But a few days later, I cloned the repository, built up the changes as fast as I could, and pushed to origin before anyone could push their own stuff. I always felt like I’m in a big race when using git – got to push before we get merge errors. (I don’t feel that way anymore.)

Once that disaster was done, I felt like now would be a good time to sign up for your course and to install SourceTree. I had tried it before at your recommendation in other courses but always felt it was SO complicated and intimidating compared to GitHub For Desktop. But it was the perfect time and excuse to start on your Git Smart course, which was so “to the point”, helpful, and easy to understand, that it made a fun experience of going through the course and learning this software I had previously dreaded.

Today, I look at SourceTree and I understand almost everything on my screen. It’s a good feeling to be in control and not just using the handful of commands you memorized from a forum post. I especially found your “time travel” analogies when working with merge conflcits to be super-helpful in conceptualizing how this all works. I also love that you went and explained a bunch of stuff in GitHub’s website, which is something I hoped for but really wasn’t expecting.

Thank you very much. I questioned the need for this course when it was first proposed, but that’s really because I had no idea how far the rabbit hole went.

I really enjoy the passion and precision in your teaching.


Thanks for the huge response. When we get to considering adding more to the course we’ll be sure to reference this. You rock!

Hello everyone!

I have heard a lot about git but have never taken the time to sit down and learn how it works truly until now. Having very little experience with it first hand, this course intrigued me because I know how important it is to have solid version control with projects being worked on and may run into issues at any moment. Working on personal projects myself, the ability to backtrack if needed is invaluable in the potential chance I lose where I am and unable to backtrack otherwise. Looking forward to the course!

As you say, this doesn’t seem to be the most exciting part of game design, but for me it does seem really important because it gives me the freedom to play around more (which is something I really want to do more) and the feeling that my hard work is safe. I’ve got the feeling that if I don’t learn to Git Smart, it will bite me in the butt later, when I cannot get earlier work back or my computer breaks down. Better learn it now and profit from it the rest of my life:).

So, I’m taking this course for many of the reasons people have stated in the thread already. Although I’m mainly doing it to be able to better work in a team. It is my understanding that basically every gamedev (or programming dev) team, specially working online, use git in one form or another so it is really a basic tool for work, even if it is a boring one like you stated. I hope I up my deving skills and my resume by taking this course.

i have been uusing git fror a while have some quantum circuits even qkd as

and others

grateful for the humble bundle as i have about 50+
and have free access links if anybody sees this

To make sure that my foundation with Git is solid. Been feeling that it’s a bit spotty lately lol

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