So what are the pros and cons of each sphere?

While I get the reasoning for picking the icosphere I don’t really understand how he got there. Since he didn’t explain how the different geometry affects the spheres the choice feels rather arbitrary and doesn’t help me make a similar choice in another project.

I would be glad if anyone could explain/elaborate.

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It is like anything, it depends on the thing you need a sphere for.

For a ball, the even triangles are a better underlying structure than the UVSphere as it has that top and bottom fan filled different topography as well as the quads. On the ico, all the surface is the same typography.

On the whole the UV is much more commonly used for things. Think of eyeballs, that top circle is made for being the pupil. On an Ico, you would have to use a hexagon. The other thing Mikey does go into was the easy of placing of the finger holes. Three holes. evenly or regularly spaced screams triangles please.


Others use a cube with is subdivided by a modifier. Then turned into a sphere. Than all faces are quads (a face with 4 vertices), hugely important for modeling and maintaining loop cuts.

You will learn, to choose your starting point in selecting an default object. It depends per project and doing a lot of projects you get the feel for it.

There is no right or wrong in Blender, just efficiency … and that takes time and a lot of work (experience).

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So icosphere when you need even geometry over the whole thing, uv sphere when dealing with more “perfect” circles and a cube for more complex modeling when edge flow is important. Is that about right?


Called loops. And loops are very handy as you will learn in the face challenge.
but yes, you got it right! All three of them.

But then, it is still difficult to choose you default (base) object (mesh, spline).
Some people like to us a bezier curve to make a vase or bowling pin.
I always use a cone. Personal preferences!

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Thank you for clarifying!

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