So I've Created my moment, but the navmesh doesn't work

I’ve created my moment, but now the nav mesh doesn’t work. I get these errors:

"SetDestination" can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.
UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent:set_destination (UnityEngine.Vector3)

"Resume" can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()




If you need more tell me c:

An additional question: How do I add my bridge to the nav mesh? Am I able to paint an area or something?

The errors in this case are generally warnings unless they stack up… In this case, you’re only getting one of each warning. This is common, and can generally be ignored, unless the errors repeat every frame or every time that you click.

For the bridge, you’ll need to make sure that it is static, and then in the Navigation Pane, with the object selected, in the Object tab, make sure that Navigation Static and Walkable are selected.

Thanks appreciate Ya

so um, this happened

Ok, that’s indicating that somehow, there is an agent that is NOT on a NavMeshSurface…

  • Can the Player move?
  • Is the Player the only character on the level?

I cant move, and there are somce enemies Ive moved out of the way


and my camera now shoots into the sky

Ive just moved the enemies to the navmesh and now im not getting the error :smiley:

although, my camera shoots into the sky

yea now the movement works, thanks

ill find the camera issue myself

The aiming component of the camera may be set incorrectly. You’ll need to experiment with it.

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