So glad that I finished the environment course :-)

It was a long way now to finish this course. But the course is amazing. I really loved it. I want to continue to learn more and maybe be able to create objects for games and films.

Here is the result of my little island with my simple Asus ZenBook 13. It is not the strongest laptop but the result is quite good :slight_smile:


Nicely done. Looks great.


Very well done. How’d you achieve the cool oval light reflections in the water?
Every time i see someone complete this course it reminds me I NEED to be taking this course!!! :grinning:


I think it happens automatically.
I added the plane for the water.
Then you need a new material and you set the roughness to 0 and the color to black.
Then you add a bump and connect it to the the normal from the principal BSDF.
Then you need a wave texture. Connect it with the hight of the bump and play with the settings.

And then you should have this nice water and the reflection.

I hope that helped you :slight_smile:

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@mfortunato I am doing this course and I noticed that it has to do with the details of the window texture (which leads to an oval emitter) and the water surface. Unfortunately I am having problems to persuade my computer to allow me just finish the last details :woman_facepalming: :grin:.

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Nice! Congratulations for finishing it. My poor laptop is complaining a lot about me doing this :joy:, but also hope to finish it soon. Just one lesson to go!


Congratulations on your hard work. Finishing a course requires so much attention and dedication. Beautiful render.


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