Snowboarding Game Progress - The Initiation Ritual

Decided to make mine about a hooded figure trying to join an order of other hooded figures. “How?” you ask? By riding down one of the Cosmic Entity’s tentacles on a plank of wood!

One part of the level that stuck with me in particular was this bit. At first I made a mistake by putting the failed Initiate’s legs in the foreground, but then I realised it actually added a little bit of depth to the scene, so I kept it in.

Doing so got me thinking about how else I could add depth, and I realised that by duplicating the level sprite shape and tweaking it a bit and making it darker, I could make it look like it has an edge:

Really enjoying the course so far! Excited to put what I’ve learned into practice in my own game soon!


I love that you turned the snowboarding game into a rite of passage.

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