Sneak Preview: Runtime UI with UIToolkit

Just a bit of a sneak preview showing off the power of the UIElements in Runtime:
Both of these menus were made using UIElements in Runtime. In some ways, it’s even easier than using them in Editor Windows… in other ways it requires attention to detail and a lot of well written Lambda expressions:

Here’s the Trait window from the RPG: Shops and Abilities using UI Elements (Also using the Stone UI kit from the Unity Asset Store)

And here’s a quick and dirty Pause/Quit menu:

I’ll be posting a Howie Dunnit later this weekend, probably on this post, but it’s after midnight here.


are you making a tutorial for this @Brian_Trotter ?

I never did, sorry. I ran into some technical glitches along the way and wound up dropping that particular project in the middle (happens).


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