Snapping and Aligning

I’m having trouble with the snapping. Holding ctrl won’t work, and the Grid and Snap Settings menu does nothing to my text. I know it should work because I can see Rick doing it on the video. Rick also showed a feature where Unity indicates the aligment with other objects, much like AutoCad. How do I turn it all on?


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Have you already read the manual? Scroll a bit down to “Snapping”.

I had not, actually. Thanks for the hint. Anyways, after I read a bit I noticed it was saying pretty much what I have tried already… It didn’t work, objects are still loose on the grid. I’m just going to forget about it for a while, leave it for when esthetics is really needed.

Depending on your version of Unity, there is a grid icon in the top horizontal menu bar of the scene window. Is it pressed?


The correct tool selected:


And set these two buttons to “Pivot | Global”:


It worked! Everything was pressed correctly, but I guess the grid was so small it was impossible to see it snapping. Thanks a lot for the attention Nina.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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