Smooth Animation? [Solved]

Hi All,

Last question I promise on this lecture!

Now I have been working on this problem for a number of hours and I can’t seem to crack it. I have the animations for “idle” and “Star Burst” linked up and working so that all good, but … In the “Idle” animation when the Animation loops there is a distinct pause. I understand why there are a number of frames with the exact same animation.

So, I tried a couple of remedies. Like setting the finishing frame one frame early and make that a keyframe with the values it would have had (just learnt how to do that), but, still a pause/jerk and starting the first frame a little off zero, but, still that pause jerk again.

So, is this something I will have to live with or is there a way to make it smooth?

Thankyou and Regards,

I am also seeing the reverse scaling problem again with the “Star Burst” animation. I have checked it through using the Animation timeline and it plays through just fine by itself. Also if I just have the Star Burst animation playing through with no transitions it play fine, but Introduce the Idle back into the equation with the transition and the reverse scaling is back.

I’m using 5.6.1f and I can’t see any way to recitfy these problems and it’s driving me nuts.

Any help at all would be greatly, greatly appreciated.


Hi All,

I finally, finally figured it out. The reason for the reverse scaling and other problems at the end of all animations, in this case, was due to the transition period - where one animation ends at the other begins. Usually there is a little leeway with the transitions allowing for the blending of animation, but, in this case I needed to stop the transition dead and make the next one start straight away otherwise strange things would occur! Really strange things.

I had given up and was playing around with the transition window with another bone based animation and noticed that the transition phase was overlapping with another copy of the original loop and … doh!


What a time to figure it out at 4:3o in the AM :sleeping:.

Warmest Regards,

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