Smash and static

Here is my approach, I’m happy with the result


Good strike. I don’t understand how the ball went through the first pin leaving it in front like that :wink: But the ball and pins look clean and good. Well done!


Actually the pins could be a bit further apart. But that’s just me being picky. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Will you do an animation too?

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yeah try to give it some depth, but you are rigth shouldn’t be at that distance

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I would like to animate it at some point, but furtheer in the course becuase rigth now don’t now how to do it

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The easiest might be to physics simulate it and then just capture your favorite collisions for a good render. The simulator can be a fast, fun way to get complex results but you can also end up tweaking tiny details for longer than you expect to.

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Yepp it’s coming up very soon. Looking forward to seeing it

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