Small Suggestion / Feedback for Terminal Hacker

I came into the course knowing a small amount of C# and having an okay grasp of programming and as I worked my way through the course I was a bit surprised that with a game built around strings that nothing was mentioned of them being case sensitive and how to resolve that.

I had my wife playtest my finished version and it was one the first things she asked about the game; “Are the passwords case sensitive?” Also I had implemented the bug fix for exiting the game and she naturally typed the commands with capital letters at the start (“Exit”, “Quit”, “Close”).

So I think it would be great to have a bug fix that talks about using something like “ToLower()” as a solution and opportunity for others to go back and challenge themselves to address that aspect of the game. Ultimately I updated the OnUserInput method as follows:

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I implemented the same thing into my game, but with ToUpper. It’s a solid idea.

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