"Small scene" got out of control... (Section 2, Mid Section Challenge)

So the original idea was to make a simple castle scene and continue with the lessons…but it was so fun making this scene that it got a little out of hand. This took me a little over a week to make, not straight in one sitting, just a few hours here and there. There was a lot of duplicating involved with just about everything, I had make sure my Outliner was constantly organized because of the amount of objects I had in the scene. But I don’t regret a second that I spent making this scene, I feel like a learned a lot from this deviation of mine that’ll will help me with future scenes to come.

DISCLAIMER: There is a lot of low-poly violence lol

Main Scene:

Poor Blues…



These are “Extras” and “Props” I had sitting in the back of the scene for future duplication or adjustment. I actually had a prototype Wizard character that I scrapped later on because I already had most of the scene build and the Wizard really didn’t have a place in it so I deleted him. :frowning:


WOW! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

What a really, really nice scene you have created here. Lot of details and very distinctive figures. I very much like your design style, it has good proportions. And every think seems to visually connect.
You really put a lot of effort in this piece of art!
I hope you will continue this course. You will also learn how to manage and reuse your assets. Keeping your creativity but let Blender do the work for you!

I hope to see more work from you!


These assets are a good base for a 3D game. Good work!

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