Hey hey,
in the lecture to the end grantt splits up a big island and I was wondering why we would want to do that. I thought we wanted as few seams as possible and the main body looked to unwrap just fine.
(Edit: Its around 14:50 in the lecture)
I am asking specifically because I actually managed to get away with only one seam for the main body from the shoulder top to the head:
It might be considered a big island. Also one might worry that the throat part on the center left might be stretching, but I think it actually managed to unwrap just fine as you can see in the full view here:
I think I will go ahead with my unwrap for now, but if you know something that might be a dealbreaker down the line with my current version please let me know.
Now to a specific question: are there downsides to big islands? And if so how do we trade off more seams for smaller islands? As in whats your thought process.
Thank you so much!