Small Aside - Other peoples code

I like Ben’s point here about other peoples code and I want to reinforce it.

I’ve been a software developer for a very long time, and rarely in software development do you get to write code from scratch. So, learning to work on other peoples code is a must. I can tell you I’ve worked on some truly atrocious code over the years. :smile: Usually rewriting code isn’t an option as companies don’t like to pay people to fix stuff that works. That’s the reality of software development.

However, if you work for yourself, you get to make the rules. :wink:

I don’t know if Ben reads these posts, but I wanted to say that I’m really enjoying this journey and even though I"m probably not the target audience for this. I’ve learned a lot from this class, and I really appreciate you teaching how to debug problems and that you don’t just write perfect code the first time, because that’s reality.



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