Unreal Engine 4.24
Hello, I’ve tried the slow compile-time solution editing the UnrealHeaderTool.target file, but it does not work on Linux. Unreal is using Mono to compile on Linux.
I have a good pc spec, I7 7700K @ 4.5ghz with 16GB of ram @ 3200
Any other ideas to improve using with Mono?
UPDATE: I disabled the unity build and added the flag bForcePrecompiledHeaderForGameModules.
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
bForcePrecompiledHeaderForGameModules = true
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
bUseUnity = false;
Those options seem to have improved the compilation time, but still higher than 30 seconds.