Hi I face new problem in the ParseOption() and it doesn’t work I have tested with course GitHub Repo and my code exactly same as GitHub code but I have no idea why it doesn’t work in UE4.20.I must add I can get SlotName in the Painting GridCard
UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), TEXT("TestMap"), true, "SlotName=" + PaintingName);
but when I want to use it in the Gamemode it returns null and my init code is same as tutrial:
void UPaintingGridCard::SetPaintingName(FString NewPaintingName)
PaintingName = NewPaintingName;
CardButton->OnClicked.AddDynamic(this, &UPaintingGridCard::CardButtonClicked);
Solution: each Level has different GameMode() you need to set modified GameMode() in the both level (Menu and Drawing) and thanks Sam for his Soloution.