Slope easy way

just get two X, Y, points in the curve. (Xa-Xb)/(Ya-Yb) = Slope . in this case X = 2^Y so. ((2^Ya)-(2^Yb))/(Ya-Yb) . in the example he uses 5.9 and 6.1 ((2^5.9)-(2^6.1))/(5.9-6.1) = 44,39… but you can get any slope anywhere don’t need to be with 0,2 difference.


Hi, I think you posted it in the wrong course!

If the curve is constantly changing, then sampling any two random points will not give you an accurate result.
Following the method Ben presents in the video will always get a reasonable approximation but you’re right that you don’t always need to sample points that are 0.1 away from the point you’re calculating.

If you use sample points that are further apart, this will lead to less accuracy. Conversely, making them closer will lead to more accuracy.
This method will only take you so far (usually more than close enough for practical applications), but if you want to get an exact answer then you need to break out the calculus and differentiate.

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