Is the action bar being implemented in this lecture series? I’ve been through the Implementation section, and came back to see if I missed something, but we don’t ever do anything with the action bar in that section. Is this to be utilized later? I read through the conversation here: Expanding Action Bar Functionalityhxsr8j_gaMzgyMzU3ODk2LjE2MjE5MjU3MTc._ga_2C81L26GR9*MTY0MzkyNjAwNS40ODYuMS4xNjQzOTI3MDE2LjA.
And, I have added the CheckActionButtons(), method to my playerController, this seems like either an oversight in the Implementation section, or that it will be used for something more than Health potions, later, especially since all it does is print use, at the moment… I get the potential for what it can do… but will the course be actually utilizing it?