Sky box issue

I got some problem with skybox for the bunny.
On the first pic sky looks right through the camera view but if I look not through the camera sky is like on the second pic. I checked if there difference in option but everything is same. In new blender file, everything is correct as on video lesson. What I should do to make it right?

Hi there,

I am having same issue.

I am working on it. Will let you know if i find anything. I hope the same.

It does not work with Orthographic view.
You have to be in Perspective.

Like Shortcut numpad5 in 3d view port.

But you also have the camera configurations which let you choose the type of the camera: perspective, orthographic, or panoramic.
Probably here you have set to Ortho…

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Thank you very much @capa14

That works.

I had the same problem. But i didnt know how i solved it…thank you too :slight_smile:

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