Skewed faces

When I start adjusting my knight by moving the edges and vertices like in the video my faces become skewed. I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be like that? How can I prevent this happening when adjusting the shape? Whatever I do seems to skew the faces.

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Please use full screen! use Blender main menu > Windows > save screen shot

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I think, without seeing your edit properties, it is normal behavior. And depends on how you did model the knight. Alle behavior depends on how you move a vertice, edge or face.

Try to think how Blender mesh manipulation works. Instead of copying the teachers move. Because depending on your initial edit properties (preparing edit behavior) , the outcome can change, as you’ve experiencing now.

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It is normal. You want to minimise the effect wherever you can but it is not possible to keep every face dead flat.


Allright, I’ll try that. I noticed it in the video aswell as I rewatched it.

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