Simplified BP_Door

I know we haven’t actually covered this. but if you look around of the possible Set Rotation nodes.
There is one that Sets it Relatively, which means that it will set the rotation inside the BP it self without
changing it’s direction in the world, so to speak. What this lets us do is set what ever angle we want without
having to worry about any initial rotation. Also what I did was to add a Lerp(Rotator) to lerp between the
initial rotation and the given OpenAngle rotation, which can be made “Instance Editable” so that we can set
various open angles easily by clicking on our BP_Door and doing it through Details.

NB! If you do it with a Lerp(Rotator), you need to keep in mind that, instead of setting an angle inside your timeline as an angle and making it in to Rotator, you need to set the last KeyFrame to the value of 1. Imagine the value 0 - 1 as being 0 - 100% in the Time you’ve given it. Hope that makes sense :smiley:

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