Hi @spoopy, in fact I made a complete different thing for the player movement inspired by my previous knowledge of game dev. I’m new to Godot, but I’m not new to game dev. Instructors tends to write a much easier to understand code for people that are new to code and that is ok.
I can share with you my Player
class, I added some comments.
Basically, I’m using the _input
callback function to get a Vector2
that gives me the player direction.
Then in the _physics_process
I compute a velocity modifier according to the direction.
If the player have a zero modifier (when you press no direction on your keyboard) I apply a deceleration to give a small sliding effect to the ship so that it not stop abruptly.
I’m also using other thing like the @export
syntax for the rocket_scene
and the rocket_container
references, so you have to drag and drop the references in the Godot interface in the inspector in order to give the right reference.
Also, I certainly changed some naming compared to the original tutorial, for example "move_left"
is just "left"
in my code in the _input
Feel free to ask me question, and if anyone have recommendation on my code, do not hesitate
Have a great day!
class_name Player
extends CharacterBody2D
# This will be the factor of the direction vector to compute velocity
# This will decelerate 1/DECELERATION of the velocity each frame
# These values are used to clamp the velocity
const MAX = 400
const VELOCITY_MIN = Vector2(-MAX, -MAX)
const VELOCITY_MAX = Vector2(MAX, MAX)
var life = 3
var score = 0
var direction = Vector2.ZERO
signal took_damage
signal died
@export var rocket_scene: PackedScene
@export var rocket_container: Node
func _input(event):
direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down")
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire")):
func _physics_process(_delta):
# The modifier is the direction times the acceleration factor
var modifier = direction * ACCELERATION
# If no modifier due to direction then compute deceleration
if modifier == Vector2.ZERO:
modifier = -velocity / DECELERATION
# Add modifier to velocity
velocity += modifier
# Clamp velocity
velocity = velocity.clamp(VELOCITY_MIN, VELOCITY_MAX)
# Move
# Clamp the position to screen space
var rect = get_viewport_rect()
global_position = global_position.clamp(rect.position, rect.size)
func fire():
var r = rocket_scene.instantiate()
r.speed = 2000
r.global_position = global_position + Vector2(60, 0)
func damage(amount = 1):
life -= amount
if life <= 0:
func die():
func add_score(amount):
score += amount