Hello there,
in the video you created the KillEmAllGameMode.cpp derived from the SimpleShooterGameModeBase.cpp, but in my project there was no SimpleShooterGameModeBase.cpp. I always note down what we are doing and in my notes it says that we directly went ahead and created the BP_SimpleShooterGameMode directly derived from GameModeBase in the lecture Pawns vs Characters in C++ without creating our own CPP GameMode to derive from. So i went back and doublechecked and indeed we did skip creating SimpleShooterGameModeBase.cpp.
Now to my question: Did I skip a lecture by mistake or am I missing something here? Using Unreal 5.2 in case Unreal 4.x did create SimpleShooterGameModeBase automaticly on project setup.
Note: I went ahead and created the SimpleShooterGameModeBase.cpp myself derived from GameModeBase, so I dont need help with that one. In fact what i have learned so far in this course made me fix that myself, which is pretty cool even if its just a small thing thank you!