SimpleShooter Download

스크린샷 2024-08-01 163237

Looking at the lecture materials, there is a folder like the picture. Do I download this as well? What is this folder?

It’s for git (though not sure why it’s in a rar archive). You can ignore it if you’re not using git but it’s just a text file telling it what kind of files it can ignore.

Thank you.

I have one more question. I made a C++ class while listening to the lecture.
But when I keep leaving the editor and coming back in, there is no class I made in the content drawer.

But it exists in vs code.

Even if I re-create the class, they say it’s already made. How do I find it? I can’t find it even though I search it…
This folder disappears. When I open the editor again.

I solved it.

  1. Close Project
  2. Delete a folder in a picture from the corresponding project folder
  3. Delete and Reopen Project
    At this time, I got an error phrase and a warning. Press OK and leave it as it is.
    → If left alone, the project will open
  4. If you check, the c++ class folder is still there


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