Simple way using switch statements (POSSIBLY CHEATING)

I know that by the time you are doing this lecture, switch statements have not been explained but it is a really helpful trick to use instead of multiple if statements.

If you want to find out more about switches, here is an official Unity tutorial: Using switch statements

Here is my full code and it works flawlessly. (Sorry for anyone new to Unity)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour {

	int level;
	enum Screen {MainMenu, Password, Win};
	Screen currentScreen;
	string playerInput;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		currentScreen = Screen.MainMenu;

	void ShowMainMenu()
		Terminal.WriteLine("Hello Vlad? Ben? Bob??");
		Terminal.WriteLine("Welcome to Terminal Hacker!");
		Terminal.WriteLine("Press 1 to hack the local Museum.");
		Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 to hack the Conference Center.");
		Terminal.WriteLine("Press 3 to hack NASA's top secret base.");
		Terminal.WriteLine("Enter your selection:");

	void OnUserInput (string input)
		playerInput = input;
		if (input == "menu")
			currentScreen = Screen.MainMenu;
		else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMenu)
		}else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password)
			switch (level)
				case 1:
				case 2:
					CheckPassword("new password");

	void CheckPassword(string password)
		if (playerInput == password)
			//Password is correct
			Terminal.WriteLine("Password accepted. Well done!");
			//Password incorrect
			Terminal.WriteLine("Wrong Password. Try again.");

	void RunMainMenu(string input)
		if (input == "007")
			Terminal.WriteLine("I've been waiting for you, Mr Bond *cough cough*");
		else if (input == "1")
			level = 1;
		else if (input == "2")
			level = 2;
			Terminal.WriteLine("Please write a valid level");

	void StartGame()
		currentScreen = Screen.Password;
		Terminal.WriteLine("You've chosen level " + level);
		Terminal.WriteLine("Please Enter your password");

Edit: I extracted the input variable which we get from the handy function into a new variable called “playerInput”. Hope this helps.
Also, the code isn’t the cleanest possible and sorry if I’m jumping too far ahead of everyone. I will try not to do that but it is just how I would solve the problem.

Another edit: I continued to watch the course and literally 2 videos later it is talking about switches. Sorry @ben :smiley:

Nice work. I had similar ideas. Keep it up! -Chase

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Thank you @chase.scott

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