Simple tips for anyone who wants to use the quixel geometry for platforms

Just wanted to share an easy way to use the quixel megascan geometry for ramps and platforms instead of just assigning materials to the starter content.

Essentially, all you have to do is move, scale and rotate a piece of quixel mesh, like a cave wall piece to generally match the same area as your platform. For example:

Next, select the original starter content geomtry, in this case a ramp, and search for “visible” and uncheck it:

What you are left with is the box collider of the starter platform, while using the visible mesh of quixel megascans, like this:

In game:

I found that it’s easier to just block out colliders using basic shapes, hiding the mesh, then adding the megascan mesh, like I demonstrated. The effect looks pretty good too.

Just a quick note that it’s almost always best to have custom colliders on objects, but this can be a quick and decent way of doing it for levels. One thing to note, is you will want to select Show > Collision in the editor so you can keep track of level colliders.

You also will want to attach the box colliders to the objects in the Outliner, so you can keep track of them and easily select them from the Outliner instead of the world view in the editorO

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