Simple rolling cube

Hi all,

For this lecture I thought I’d go for something really basic but I’ve fallen at the first hurdle. Here’s what I was trying to achieve.

  1. From the basic startup file set the location to (0, 0, 1).
  2. Add an armature and parent the cube to it.
  3. Set the initial keyframe of the bone.
  4. At the next keyframe, say 1 second later, rotate the cube 90 degrees on the Y axis and set it’s location to (2, 0, 1).
  5. So far, so good. The cube appears to roll onto one of its faces. However, now I want it to roll sideways in a similar way but the rotation of the bone is such that it now appears to be impossible to rotate the bone on the global Y axis. In fact, rotating the cube on both the X and Z axes cause the cube to rotate (in different directions) around the global Z axis.

Can you tell me what’s going on here?



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