Simple Reinforced Wooden Door

Hello everyone!
I know that this is just for learning purposes and I shouldn’t be bothered with appearance, but I wasn’t happy with the door model provided so I looked for one less ‘bulky’ :grin: and definitely without windows!
Also, I didn’t particularly like the stone doorframe, so I opted for a wooden one as well.
It’s been my first time looking for models, meshes and materials, it’s quite a time-consuming activity :scream: I guess/hope it should improve with time otherwise I better teach myself some Blender :sweat_smile:


It can take a while track down what you want. Blender is an option but that has its own issues. A simple door isn’t too difficult to model however. It’s actually all about the textures and that can take some time to figure out, probably more than the model itself. Looks good however.


aww, thank you for your feedback! :rabbit:
Indeed it took me more time looking for the wood texture and material than looking for the simple door and I have a feeling that’s just scratching the surface of the process
At the same time I was and wasn’t joking when I mentioned learning at least a little Blender: out of many models I found, the majority of them despite having the right format -and in many cases specifying in the description they were for Unreal Engine- returned a lot of different errors when I imported them :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I learnt a lot by importing 3D models and trying to make them work -even this one wasn’t working at all in the beginning- but I think that many of the issues I had and that forced me to discard the models would be easily fixed if I were able to tinker the models in an appropriate editor and reimport them once adjusted to my needs :slightly_smiling_face:


Very good choice material.

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Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate it a lot! :sun_with_face:

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