Simple fabric challenge

I made a towel! :smiley:

I think…

Does it look like a towel? xP


Great job on the folds in the fabric! Was this achieved through physics/cloth simulation?
Also, I think the towel could benefit from a higher tiling rate on the texture so the weave/pattern is smaller. It seems a bit large for a towel.


Thanks! ^^

It’s from the new Blender materials course. Stephen showed how to use the cloth simulation to quickly make a cloth material test object :smiley:

Thank you for the feedback! I’ll try to make the weave smaller :grin:

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I’ve been noticing a number of posts from this course. I’m going to purchase it and jump onto it next!

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Awesome :smiley:

I really like the way he breaks down the information, starting with stuff I can actually follow and then building on that ^^

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