Simple bowling animation scene

made a basic animation of the bowling ball knocking over the pins, though the whole thing felt really floaty for some reason like the gravity was really weak and I’m not sure how to change this besides just drastically increasing the objects weight. :confused: (1)


LOve the slowmo … so much fun, this one.

The animation could be a bit longer …
Did you render to IMG or Video?

The pins don’t bounce, maybe change also the object bounciness.
It’s not only a weight thing … but other material properties too!

rendered it as a video then used an external converter to make a compressed GIF that i could upload to here

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ah okay, didn’t notice options for things like that, will have a look through for next time

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Bowling in very low gravity looks fun!

I somehow doubt you lowered the gravity, which is possible.

So it may be the ball and pins are just of very low weights? Miss typed 10 k as .01k or something? Somewhere in the lecture Marc sets the weight of the ball higher. So It is covered in there somewhere I feel sure.

Oh, though at real speed it may not look so ‘floaty’. It may all be correct, bar being in slow motion. The unusual bit being the ball bouncing back out of the lane end because it hits the back.

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no i made sure to set the pins to 1kg and the ball to 10kg, i dont understand

oh i figured it out, i decreased the scene’s unit scale to make everything smaller and in doing so the force of gravity was also reduced


put the scene unit scale back to 1 and then corrected everything’s size, position, weight and light strength to fit the corrected scale with gravity back to it’s normal value, everything worked fine and gave a more realistic animation (2)


Experimenting is fun, but Most Blender properties are based on the real world.
That is why it is important to have the size of your object, match the real thing. And scaling set one 1 ofcourse.


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