Similar Courses

I really liked this course; short, sweet, and to the point. Is there a course with similar information that goes more in depth on exporting models into Blender? Something that tackles topics like animation, rigging, root motion, sharing animations across models, and other, more advanced Blender to Unity topics?

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Basically no.

The bridging between softwares is not covered really in courses or YouTube, which suggests it is not straightforward at times, especially as both softwares may change on differing time cycles. Plus there are several game engine all with differing needs probably. The market for such courses is probably seen as very small.

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Hey, I appreciate the quick response, but I’m going to disagree with your points. I don’t mean any of this to be rude, but your reasoning doesn’t seem to be very well thought out.

I think there is definitely an audience for this type of course. Being that the focus of the Blender tutorials on a site like are primarily intended for use in conjunction with a game engine of some sort, importing those models, fully formed, into a game engine would seem like a very useful process to understand. If I’m taking a game dev course on using Blender but don’t know how to get those rigged and animated models into my game, that course should be on a 3D modeling site, not a game development site. I mean, I appreciate the content, but the target audience here is not 3D film makers, it’s game developers. It’s in the name.

As far as the idea that the content is limited by the changing technology, that applies to every tutorial on this site, and most of the tutorials get updated with new content or clearly state the version of the software being used at the beginning of the video. The leap from Unreal 4.x to 5.x is referenced at the beginning of almost every Unreal tutorial I’ve used on the site.

And as far the process being too different between game engines, I think that’s why there are both Unreal and Unity tutorials on this site. Almost everything about the workflow in those engines is different and already addressed in separate courses.

A full length Blender to game workflow course, or courses, that addressed the nuances of integrating your art into a game would be beneficial to both 3D modelers and the engineers using the engine directly. I work as a professional gameplay engineer and issues with artwork being imported incorrectly is daily issue and a topic that needs to be addressed way more than it currently is. The topics of art and programming are kept separate but intended to blend in the middle somewhere, but no one ever addresses how to do it. You yourself identified a gap in current curriculums across different platforms, but then justified why it shouldn’t be addressed. If this topic wasn’t something of interest, sites like Mixamo, and tutorials on how to use it, wouldn’t be nearly as relevant as they are today.

Again, I’m not trying to be argumentative, troll you, or start a “flame war”. I know several industry professionals that would benefit from a course like this and can easily see the use case for solo developers too. I’m sure someone as skilled as Grant Abbitt could knock this kind of course out relatively quickly. And Stefan Persson (Imphenzia), who has done some work with in the past, has covered importing models into Blender, fully rigged and animated, in several of his videos; and even though that material is several years old, the process still works (perhaps with a little tweaking).

Again, thank you for your response, but please consider this topic more carefully as I believe it is a great opportunity to address an underserved process.


I agree IsaacF.
I’m still relatively new to the whole Gamedev and Blender thing, and as somebody very interested in learning how to make my own models AND animations, trying to find ways to get everything to fit together often feels like I am frankensteining bits and pieces from handfuls of videos and courses at the time. Where sometimes it even feels like there may be people that might have two very different approaches to the same topic. See “Imphenzia” then “P2Design” from youtube’s different approaches to getting from blender animations/models to Unity. These methods are wildly different with no real explanation of alternatives or of their benefits or pitfalls to either. And those are only two examples amongst an ocean of mixamo tutorials.

From my understanding, it sounds like that is what this course is trying to address. Seeing that this course is still in Early Access, I hope more of these concerns are tackled in future updates. (Early Access courses tend to get updated in chunks over time till they are fully completed, then later updated if things change too drastically) or at least explained in more depth.

I am incredibly excited to see how gamedev goes with this! I hope this is the start of an amazing series that explains all those little details a bit better. I have yet to get to the new 2 parts they added, but the names look promising!

Edit: Just to clarify, that was not a jab at Imphenzia or P2Design. For what it’s worth, they do a fine job at explaining their individual methods. But from a noob like myself, i guess i would like just a little bit more clarity on the topic as a whole.


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