Silly mistake all ready involving layout and how to close windows lol :p


The next video had the way to adjust it. thanks everyone! sorry for asking the question too early!

So I was working on the challenge and accidentally ended up getting a situation where i have like 3 more windows pulled from the right side. I am just trying to work out how to close them to get back to just the one window. So far I have attempted to drag from the corners and from the tops and bottoms of the bars up and down and left and right but that only seems to be creating more windows to use. I am seeing that this could be very powerful when done purposly for various views etc. I just am not sure how to actually close the extra window views when I am done. Thanks! I will include a screen shot so that you can see exactly what i mean with the new windows coming up. Thanks!

Also wanted to say thank you for making this course, I am very excited to get my feet wet and start learning to master some of this powerfull software suite!

LOL, I just did the same thing and was going to come here and ask the same question. I’m glad you posted solved and that it is covered in the next segment.

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haha I am glad that it was of help/that the next lesson was of help as well. I felt kind of silly seeing that it was the very next thing he covered in the video but Its crazy how easy it is to realy make a mess of the interface haha, good luck on the class moving forward! Are you a programmer looking to learn to make some assets for your game projects or an artist who wants to learn the software, or just someone knew to it all and wanting to check it out? Or i guess one of any other million possibilitys? haha

Actually, I’m a 3D print enthusist trying to learn modeling. I want to use Blender for all my Cosplay ideas and will learn Fusion 360 for all my prototype ideas. A lot of things floating in my head, just need the skills to model them… :smiley:

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That is really aweosme, I was actually thinking about how cool that kind of thing would be to use with 3d printing the other day! Great idea! Do you all ready have a printer then? Do you know of any reasonably priced models that you would suggest that work well? Sounds like a way cool idea, you could make some really fine details and items to add to your overall cosplay costume with 3d modeling. What is fusion 360? what kinds of things can you do on there?

With 3D printing, the better question is what can’t you do. I currently am running 5 printers, an Anet A8, Creality CR-10, Folgertech FT-5 and 2 custom built cor x/y printers. For someone new to 3D printing, unless they have a good understanding of how electricity works with amperage and all that stuff, I’d stay away from some of the cheaper kits like the Anet A8 (but it is a good printer). I’d recommend something like the Creality CR-10. It gives a large print area, has a great support community behind it and takes about 15 minutes to assemble (as most of it is pre-assembled already). These are typically in the low 400 range. Most models I have printed are done by others which is why I’m trying to learn Blender so I can do my own stuff and hopefully grow a small business out of it eventually. Here is one of my latest prints.

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Thanks for the information I appreciate it a ton. Wow is that really as large as it looks as far as a real life size type weapon? I wasn’t aware that 3d printing could do such large scale items and objects that is really awesome!

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