Sierpinski Triangle self-similar fractal

So after a friend showed me this TikTok ( generating a Sierpinski Triangle, I decided to test out the theory in Unity Game engine. 3 hours later, i’ve turned it into something anyone can try :P.
Set 3 starting dots, place a first dot down, then generate more dots from there (dots generated are half way between last dot placed and a starting dot).

While you’re there, can check out my other game I created and launched yesterday, Funbers!, the fun numbers quiz :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on recreating and thanks for sharing it for everyone.

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I’ve seen this TikTok video, too, and it blew my mind. Of course, I was too lazy to check whether it was true, and I just thought it was another mathematical wonder. So, thanks a lot for recreating it! Now I know more! I like TikTok because it shows me so many interesting things every day. I get much information from this app – even more than from schoolbooks. I even have my account, where I share more information about epoxy jewelry and other hobbies. Thanks to, I have more real followers now, and more people demonstrate a genuine interest in what I do.

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