Sick of Unreal Crashing all the time

The Unreal IDE is too sensitive to typo’s and bugs in code. I find it crashing and being unable to open my projects so frequently I’m starting to consider dropping it altogether. Put some code in a constructor? Crash and won’t re-open.Deviate from the course even slightly to play around and explore? Crash and won’t reopen until you revert your changes. Crashes seem to fall into a few categories, on compile crashes, on hot-reload crashes and on simulate crashes. Too many, I’m sick of it. Why can’t it handle the exception, blank out the preview and display an error code FFS.

Because your code is built into the unreal editor. You can actually change the editor code if you like - which gives a lot more power. Does your game run up against a bug in the engine? Fix the bug on your own! (And then maybe share the fix). Want to add your own workflow into the editor? Add them!

But more power = more responsibility, and yeah it can be finicky to work with at times. The more familiar you get the less you will see this kind of thing.

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