Hi guys!
I first want to thank all the GameDev.tv team for all awesome courses they make for us. Thanks to thoses courses I have managed to get an internship in a video game studio so here I am strenghtening my unity skills with the RPG course before the internship starts.
I’m not doing a 3D game after but something like Trine 2 or Child Of Light, a 2.5D. And I want to go for a more platformer approach. Here is where I am so far:
- Movements are constraint to XY axes, my character can double jump.
- Player is controlled with keyboard or controller but no mouse.
- Enemy can attack and receive damages (I’ve added a curve to the projectile)
- Player can attack and receive damages (since I don’t use mouse, player has to be near enemy to attack them, I use capsuleCast to detect if there is an enemy in range but I think I am going to use collision detection between weapon and enemies when I will have hitting animations.)
- I have implemented a rewind capacity for the player with an icon and a cooldown (it was my main dev focus to start. I want the character to be a kid (or kids) going for some epic quest on holiday but kids are always changing the rules when they are playing so I want to implement some special abilities for the player like rewind or change enemy position etc)
- I have made some platforms obviously:
- The one you can jump trough when you climb and then it supports you and when you want to get down you crouch and jump.
- I also have a moving platform that is quite flexible I think. You can add as many stops (empties) as you want and the platform goes from one to another and backward. And you can set the platform’speed also.
Here is a video (Actually on this one the moving platform has only one stop) :