Showing you my RPG

Hi guys!

I first want to thank all the team for all awesome courses they make for us. Thanks to thoses courses I have managed to get an internship in a video game studio so here I am strenghtening my unity skills with the RPG course before the internship starts.

I’m not doing a 3D game after but something like Trine 2 or Child Of Light, a 2.5D. And I want to go for a more platformer approach. Here is where I am so far:

  • Movements are constraint to XY axes, my character can double jump.
  • Player is controlled with keyboard or controller but no mouse.
  • Enemy can attack and receive damages (I’ve added a curve to the projectile)
  • Player can attack and receive damages (since I don’t use mouse, player has to be near enemy to attack them, I use capsuleCast to detect if there is an enemy in range but I think I am going to use collision detection between weapon and enemies when I will have hitting animations.)
  • I have implemented a rewind capacity for the player with an icon and a cooldown (it was my main dev focus to start. I want the character to be a kid (or kids) going for some epic quest on holiday but kids are always changing the rules when they are playing so I want to implement some special abilities for the player like rewind or change enemy position etc)
  • I have made some platforms obviously:
    • The one you can jump trough when you climb and then it supports you and when you want to get down you crouch and jump.
    • I also have a moving platform that is quite flexible I think. You can add as many stops (empties) as you want and the platform goes from one to another and backward. And you can set the platform’speed also.

Here is a video (Actually on this one the moving platform has only one stop) :


Hi @David_Sarre ,
It sounds really good!! I couldn’t watch the video, I had to download it to watch it… maybe you could upload it to Youtube or Vimeo :slight_smile:
It’s a great start, I like it, I saw some issues with the player on the platforms, but I guess you are already aware of it. It’s a little bit weird that the player can go thru the platforms, and I bet that was hard to program. If you design it in a way similar to stairs, I think it can work better and will be simpler… Something like:

I can’t wait to see a more polish version with textures and some applied game art :slight_smile:
Good job!!

Thank you for your feedback! I’m going to upload the video on youtube or something like that tomorrow and edit my post.
I know the player behaves weirdly on the platform, I think it has something to do with the ThirdPersonCharacter and the way it raycast to know if it is on ground.
Stairs will be simpler for sure, and more beautiful. That behaviour is more useful for roof like platforms you want the player to climb without piercing a hole in it.
I will post another video when I will use it better :slight_smile:
Thanks again!


Really nice job! Keep it up.

looks good, can’t wait to see more of this !!!

I have now decided to go with 3D. here is another video with some changes.


It looks like a totally different game with this perspective. Keep up the good work.

I am about to stop this game dev for a moment because I now have an intership in a game development studio and other work for school but here is a video from what I have so far, I’ve changed my mind completely since this project was mostly training before my internship.

Now the game is party-based RPG with turn-based combat. So you have some exploration to do in a 3D world where you can switch team members (and they will have specific abilities they can use in exploration mode) and then you have the combat mode which is not yet implemented but player party and enemy party are instantiated face to face in a different scene.

Note: I do know I have a lot of design work to do but I kept it apart because as a game dev intern I had to boost up my unity dev skills first. Now I’m going to play ltos of I am Setsuna, Battle Chasers Nightwar, Final Fantasy, etc to get inspired for story and spreadsheets etc.


Hey there David.

Congratulations on your intern position.

Really nice concept. I liked how you integrated player switching. It would be nice to see you turn this into a complete demo moving forward.

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