[SHOWCASE] Blitz Guard - demo of a souls like game

I’ve been developing a souls-like style game in my free time for a few months and this week I released a little demo, to share it and receive feedback on good things or things that maybe need some improvement, to continue the journey of making the game.

Check out the trailer (which has to be heard in stereo, in mono it sounds horrible)

You can find the demo here Blitz Guard (Demo) by Vimes

btw, all of assets are from the unreal marketplace and most of them I picked at some point when they were free (montly free or whatever)


Hey I checked out your game so I could give you some feedback on it. I played for about 13 minutes.

First off, I have never played any souls games so I may be missing some things in regards to the genre. I understand they are supposed to be challenging (if not punishing), so that was the expectation I brought in. Your game met that expectation :laughing: .

My first reaction was that it looks really nice. The menus look nice, and are nice and simple, but still look good. I like all the assets you’ve used (characters and environment) and the over-all aesthetic is very appealing.

My second reaction was that I kept getting my ass kicked by that damn skeleton. It took me a while to realize I could block. In the video it looks like you can do a dodge roll, but I didn’t figure out how to do that. I noticed on the itch.io page that it says some of the mechanics are hidden. I don’t know if that is a thing in this kind of game, but I kind of felt like I didn’t have many options in fighting, or any way to avoid getting hit. I also would have preferred if the character turned with the camera turning so that I could better aim my attacks.

I hope that feedback is helpful. Again, I am not well-versed in the genre so I may be missing some things. Cheers!

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hey thanks for the feedback is very welcomed!

Indeed it should be a little challenging but there is a trick, you can just run and let enemies behind :stuck_out_tongue: (you can reach the boss without killing a single enemy, just runing/rolling)

Anyway there are 3 forms to face enemies I let you a video showing them

1- roll when they attack then attack (you are invincible to almost all hits when you are rolling) but be aware of enemies that have berserk mode, they doesn’t “feel pain” so they can attack you even if you are attacking them
2- parry their attacks (with R key) and then attack (same, almost all attacks are parraible)
3- enter in they attack area when they attack just step back and on their recovery animation hit them! (you should do this to enemies with berserk mode)

I suggest do a run to open all the doors to be able to access to boss if you die, or then try some enemies.

There is one mechanic that is hidden but it’s not the parry, i’ll put on itch.io the keymapping for all possible actions


Hey there,

I’ve been working on this game for the past 8 months, and while I have a solid foundation, the UI is in dire need of improvement (I’m not an artist). That’s why I’m reaching out for some assistance from designers or artists who can help enhance the menus and widgets.

I’ve attached a few screenshots of the menus to give you an idea of what I currently have. If you’re interested in helping out a non-artist indie game developer, please feel free to contact me. I would greatly appreciate your expertise.

Firstly, let me introduce the HUD. The character has a blue magic circle that needs a locking mechanism, but I couldn’t figure out how to implement it, so I just added a lock image on top of the circle.

Here’s an example of one of the menus

And another menu for character upgrades

there’s a menu for traveling between levels

These are just a few examples, but as you can see, the UI is in need of improvement. Your assistance would be invaluable.

Thank you in advance for considering helping me out!

today I released the game on steam! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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