Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

This is my first day on this course, lets see progress. :smiley:

Welcome to the community
Progress looks wonderful!

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Welcome to the community, your platformer looks amazing!

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thank you :slight_smile:

first day diving in! its daunting but exciting

Welcome to the community Josh!

I know it can be daunting, but you’ve got this, just try to spend a consecutive week doing this, and you’ll already start to feel more confident with Unity!

You got this!


Welcome to the community!

Your progress looks great!

My silly platformer


Welcome to the community!

Your platformer looks amazing!

Pretend platformer

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Welcome to the community!

Love your platformer!

Welcome to the community!

I love your platformer, and that robot looks amazing!

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Welcome to the community!

That’s an amazing job with your platformer, I love all the details that went into your pretend screenshot, the alien like realistic, and the character looks great too. All this looks like it was done with shapes, which is even better. Great job!

bit late to the party but here!

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Looks great!

Here’s my attempt:

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