Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

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Here is mine

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Hers my platform :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the community!

I love your pretend platformer, and the monster at the top looks amazing!

Welcome to the community!

I love all the colors you went with here, they all add up really nicely to form a great level!

Welcome to the community!

The detail with the skull looks wonderful, and would make for an amazing level segment!

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Welcome to the community!

I love what you’ve got going so far with your platformer!

Welcome to the community, minoush!

Great start to your gamedev journey, platformer looks great!

Welcome to the community!

I love the amount of detail you put into this, the character looks great, and the obstacles look wonderful!

My pretend platformer

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my pretend platformer. bad day, he cant fit in his own house :rofl:

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Behold, my silly platformer

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