Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

Just a little platforming.

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New to this, so sorry if I do something wrong, I don’t really know what i’m doing… I also want to say that so far, the course is really easy to understand, and I thank you for that. I’m autistic and struggle to understand a lot of things, especially knew and unfamiliar topics, but I can understand this course, so I’m very happy about that. Here’s my screenshot! I had a lot of fun making it. I have 315 sprites… I find that really funny, spent way too long on this one…


My little pretend Platformer, didn´t spend much time on it. Also, the provided link for this website on the Udemy Course did not work, just fyi.

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This is Bob. Bob doesn’t like clothes but he does have a snazzy hat.

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Here is my attempt…

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Here my 2D platformer…Haha

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Didn’t stray too far from the track here but here it is.

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Here’s my pretend platformer screenshot :slight_smile:

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the dude and the ground

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Screenshot 2022-01-08 185422

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Here is my own silly little pretend platformer! :slight_smile: (Keeping it simple)

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