Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

Here is mine

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Here is my pretend platformer :smiley:

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Here is my “Platformer”

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My first attempt in level design

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My silly pretend platformer :)))

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Here’s my shot at it. (Note: don’t run with scissors, kids! :^) )


buddy with his kutta


my pretend platformer (i am new)

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Snowman platformer with terribly drawn candy cane.



Be creative about it, excited now


Hope you like it hahaha

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Hello! I bought this course a while ago but am just now getting around to doing it. Not far in but I can already tell how well it’s put together. Normally I don’t get involved in community stuff but I’m putting myself in the deep end and doing everything this course tells me to do.

It’s not my first time using Unity, but I have not touched it since 2018 and am certainly very rusty. Looking forward to continuing the course! Enjoy my screen shot!

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Here is my screenshot:

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a lil robot that needs to get over spikes and through a door

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don’t forget to click Game to get rid of all those lines :wink:

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