Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot


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Welcome to the community!

Simple yet effective, nice work!

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Amazing job!

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The platforms have a cool gradient color on them, nice character as well, great work!

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Welcome to the community!

Nice platform, I like the idea of the spikes, good character, and nice job with the scene having the sun, excellent work!

Here’s my dummy platformer made using 2D sprites.

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here is my platformer.

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Im new to the course. not much but its honest work.

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Just started the course, this is my pretend platformer game.

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this is my player!
i’ll do my best!

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Me and my wife when the lightning hits. She need a big hug. :slight_smile:

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Here’s my COOL and REAL platformer! (I am about to start the Udemy Manifestation course)!
Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 21.24.19|690x359

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Here’s the one I did.

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I believe this qualifies as a platformer. It’s got squares on it!


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