Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

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Welcome to the community!

Great scene with nice player and objects!


Welcome to the community!

Amazing scene, with nice environment and player, cool platforms too!

Here’s my pretend platformer

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Here’s my silly little pretend platformer xD


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Welcome to the community!

Nice rope swing that you implemented, nice spikes that you put as well, nice scene!


Welcome to the community!

Very creative character and awesome platforms, I love the depth looks, amazing work!

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Welcome to the community!

I love all the details and colors in the scene, great work!

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Hello, here’s my simple pretend platformer !

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and here is mine

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Welcome to the community!

Pretty funny facial expression on the player, nice platforms and obstacles in the scene as well, awesome job!

Welcome to the community!

I like the details on the platforms, nice scene, and great work with the player, nicely done

Welcome to the community!

Looks like the character is about to fall in lava🤣, nice level design, and great platforms, great job!

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Welcome to the community!

I like the vibrant colors in your scene, nice idea of putting a sun as well, good characters too, nicely done!

I think this is the right place, here is my platformer for fun.

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Welcome to the community!

Amazing job, I love the characters here, good color, nice work!

Here is mine I am excited for Unity and would like to add some Blender assets here :clap:
Thanks for the discounts :nerd_face: :grinning:


Nice horse/dog thing! It’s a brand new animal :laughing:


yeah I found myself tweaking the mouth for 15 minutes :sweat_smile: and after zooming out it was too late already :smiley:

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Unity is a pretty fun engine, I myself have done it for a while, good to see you are hoping in, your artistic side is already showing with this pretend platformer, the human and the animal looks great with lots of details especially with the hair, nice environment as well, I cant wait to see what you create with unity!

:pray: :grinning: thanks for your encouraging words

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