Show Your Desktop

This is completely off topic, but I think it will be fun. Let’s share screenshots of our desktops or a picture of our computer setup. Seems like a small way to get to know each other a little more.

I am a neat freak when it comes to my system. A place for everything and everything in its place. No clutter on my desktop.

Looks a little funny since I run dual screen. It’s from, I don’t know who the artist is though.


I am sad about my setup.

Built it last year for my self as Christmas present :slight_smile: Nothing super fancy but it runs so quiet as if wasn’t turned on even on heavy loads. At the back it has 480mm radiator with 4 140mm fans and 5 more fans to keep good air flow in the case. CPU rarely goes above 76 degrees Celsius and GPU hardly over 50. And I run it 15% overclocked. RTX2080Ti and Ryzen 5950x + 256GRam( I know its useless overkill, no comment :D) And I was a happy camper up until last week when it developed some random leak in the case of water pump. I drained it and sealed it like 3 times already and it just keep on pouring. So today I just covered the lot with silicone.

And! It still dripping!!! Looks like new pump is in order :frowning: So for now I out of the game.
But Am I? I have old potato laptop like 10 years old or nearly there. Updated drivers installed blender and here it is.

4min and 28 sec render time in Cycles @ 64 samples. Joy oh joy :joy:
So, what’s new on Netflix?


It looks incredible! That’s some very nice hardware you have in there too. Much more capable than what I’m running. Liquid cool can be difficult and scary though, especially when a leak happens.

Are your temperatures in Celsius or Farenheit?
Lastly, are you sure render time was 4 minutes 28 seconds and not 4.28 seconds?

That seems like a really long render time for a default cube scene on the hardware you have.
For perspective, I run an RX 470, Ryzen 2700X and 32 GB RAM and render the same scene in 4.43 seconds at 64 samples.

My temp. are in Celsius. Same as my measurements in meters.
Hahah. You got that cube render wrong. It would take fraction of a second on my pc. That one however i rendered on my potato laptop whilst Im fixing leak.
And yes its 4min 28sec. Trust me I sat and watched :grinning:

I have an IT background, so I had to ask. Those temperatures seem a little high for liquid cooled too. Not problematic high, but just above average when under load. I hope it’s because you live in a pretty warm place and have ambient temperatures between 20 - 30?

On idle CPU is 35 and GPU 30 and my water 22in and 24out. Under load average CPU hovers around 65 and occasionally peaks to 75 with smoke rendering. Water temp comes up to 32 in and 36 out and stays there. My room temp is about 22c. I have my fans dialled to 750-780 rpm so I can’t hear them. I’m sure if I run them faster it would cool more efficient. I read on forums and it is said that CPU can reach 90c under conventional cooling and its ok. Since it is working just fine I didn’t think to change anything. I like when it isn’t gusting wind like a tornado. You think 70c on CPU long term will hurt it?
I found this “AMD’s Robert Hallock has clarified that temperatures up to 90C for the higher-end Zen 3 based Ryzen 7 and 9 parts are quite normal, and won’t affect the life-cycle of the chip. Replying to a Redditor, Hallock said that AMD views temperatures up to 90C (for the 5800X/5900X/5950X) as typical and by design for full load conditions.”
One more fact that my be interesting. At first I had fan curves set to 50% and 100% once CPU temp reached 70c. Water temp was little lower maxing out at around 26-28c but CPU and GPU were exactly the same as I’m seeing now. I guess as long there is significant difference between CPU and coolant, heat is being taken away anyways.

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I’m just used to seen temps lower than that with liquid cool, even under load, but that’s with an ambient temp of around 18 instead of 22. So it makes more sense that way. I don’t think it will hurt anything, CPUs are capable of handling high temps, but just seemed high for liquid cool is all. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Sore subject right now, I think my graphics card died. Only got the computer working by plugging an old monitor into the motherboard on board graphics output. Lucky it was there!
No idea what to do now. Wanted a new machine then chips went crazy on me just at the wrong time, I knew this was getting old. Now looks like I have to try and find out what will go in as a replacement card for a while. :frowning_face:

I have an old GTX 590 sitting here doing nothing. lol
GPU market is absolutely bonkers right now though, that’s for sure. My card is 6 years old at this point. I was wanting to upgrade too, but not right now, no thanks. lol

You might get some new life out of your card by applying new thermal paste or by using the bake method. I’ve restored a couple older cards in the past by baking them.

What does your desktop look like though? I more intended this to see what people have as their wallpapers, that daily image you look at that comforts or inspires you in some ways.

Oh my wallpaper is just my Christmas render. I tend to render all at that resolution and swap in new ones when I have anything done.

No idea about baking a card! lol Shove it in an oven and leave it to roast! My problem is I not sure what would ‘fit’, like go with the motherboard if I knew what it was, lol, and the power supply as newer cards I think are more power hungry.

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Basically yeah, you strip it down to the bare board and bake it. Make a few tinfoil legs for it to sit on so it’s not directly on a pan or the rack. Around 10 minutes or so at 450C. It reflows the solder. If you have a heat gun, that works too, but takes a bit longer. Still might not fix it, but the solder tends to wear out from all the heat and cool that happens over years of use.

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AHA! I thought that was what you were after, but seeing some of the posts, I thought I had gotten it wrong.

Anyway, I have 2 favorite monitor backgrounds I interchange every now and then, depending on my mood.

The first is from World of Warcraft . . .

The second is from SkyRim . . .

Now before you all start asking . . . NOOOOO I am NOT a gamer (even though my laptop is an Alienware m15), I just happen to appreciate good artwork when I see it. :wink:


Coo fascinating. Get the idea now you explain it. I assume a component died. But I suspect I am not the experimenting type with computer bits.

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Both great games with some incredible artwork, that’s for sure. The m15’s are really good too. Do you know what revision you have?

I’m not sure what you mean by “revision”.

It would be like M15 r3.

My setup:

Just a couple notes:
It took a bunch of years to make it this way, and now it’s super sweet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I use it for all my homework, creative work and entertainment, so it’s basically three in one.

I’m an amateur photographer, so I like to set the backgrounds to be a slideshow and alternate pictures. Something like this:


Triple monitor and a graphic display tablet. That is super nice! I assume the wallpapers are your photos? If so, very nice work. If not, still very nice photos. lol

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My mate baked his motherboard some time ago. Than he heard noise of all the small components dropping to the oven floor. Apparently he put it up side down. I was choking laughing :rofl:


They are yes haha

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