Hello folks,
I’ve just finished the Number Wizard UI while still wanting to practice the Scriptable Objects.
So I’ve created a somewhat Number Wizard UI Adventure Game with a mystery-horror setting.
You can find the game hosted as WebGL:
As well as the Standalone build:
Upload files, for free, securely, anonymously, without limits. @UploadFilesFree
You can find the Game Design within:
What is my game theme?
Mystery / Horror
What’s the setting?
Horror house, the later a number is guessed right, the longer a player will “explore” the house
But beware he / she is cheating and gives impossible feedback
What should be the player experience?
Mysterious, a bit horrific
What is the goal?
Experiencing the different outcomes and journey to the guessed number
Color Plate
#060607, #141414, #2B1616, #210A09, #292929
Sample Design Scene
Best Regards,