Should we put unrelated former jobs in reusme?


I am following the “Get a job” course… In the resume part, we have to list our former jobs. Thing is, I want to become a 3D character modeller and all my previous work experience is about C# development (I used to be a C# developer and am trying to switch)… Should I include all this?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

There’s pros and cons to this.

On the pro side, it shows a continuity of work and employ-ability. On the con side, it’s unrelated so what relevance would it have for the job you’re trying to apply for and why not stick with the type of work you’ve been employed to do?

Whether you should or shouldn’t is ultimately up to you. But if you choose to not include it and the interviewer asks about the gap in employment, just mention that it’s “unrelated work”. Just make sure it doesn’t leave your resume looking empty!

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Thank you for your fast answer!
While I’ve been busy for sure, it’s true that some of these jobs bring no relevance at all to my 3D character artist goal. I will sort this out. Thank you again!

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