Should We Even Use 'Live Coding' Or 'Hot Reloading'?

I’ve been told by a very active individual on the Unreal Slackers CPP channel that in both cases your likely going to end up with unrepairable corruption with both Live Coding and Hot Reloading…they basically said that you shouldn’t use either…is that best practice? I’m not real sure but I’ve already had issues with Corruption of assets and I’m just starting to write code so I’m starting to think they may be right…

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I do fervently use Live Coding and till now I haven’t faced such problems of corruption.

Yes, it is not seamless and has it’s own problems, but most of the times when there is a substantial change in code / new code lines, live coding gives some problems. The reason that I could guess the best is that UE has it’s own Library that is not very intuitive of all versions of C++ and takes it’s sweet time recognizing all the commands written.

So normally when there comes a problem in live coding, I do (as a practice now) close UE Editor without saving anything and build from VS (I do not use Code, I run VS Community). The successful build makes the UE Editor open with the right expectations !

This is just my experience and I thank you for pointing out of this channel. I was searching for sometime now for a channel that is for UE C++. I would really want to join this !

Any help with the link to this ?

Thanks for the insight. Yeah, I was just worried about that, I think some people just overexaggerate the issues sometimes, so I like to ask around about stuff like this to get a better understanding…The link to the Unofficial Unreal Discord
Unreal Slackers


I can confirm in this last project I’ve been working on under UE 5.1 I’ve had my Tank Blueprint Class corrupt 4 times now forcing me to recreate the Blueprint. I don’t know what it’s specifically doing it on the Tank class but I’m sure there is a reason and if anyone knows what might be done differently on that class that could possibly be responsible for this corruption then please let me know.

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I have not been able to replicate this issue. Also, I am at present kept on hold this C++ course due to severe complications in my eyes, and have not reached till Toon Tanks Section. So, specific to Toon Tank classes I would not be able to guide.

But a while back I was creating an Object Picker Game, just for fun in 5.0 and have run in issues with live coding in there. There was not much of Blueprint thing in that though, but at one point I did delete Intermediary and Binary Folders from the project window and rebuilt the game from VS. It had solved the problems. A coarse way, but that did work for me at that time.

Yeah, I have fixed it a few times by deleting the folders and regenerating the project files, but I’ve been told that if something has been corrupted it can still leave stuff behind.

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